Changing Roles

Following editions in 1997, 1999 and 2001, this, our fourth collection of studies, presents and tracks changes in the social position of women and men in Hungary. The editors have sought to put gender differences and similarities, and a comparison between practices in Hungary and other EU countries, in the focus of the studies on society, the economy, family and public life. Our selection of studies also offers insights into the systematic and empirical research conducted in this field since the previous issue was published in 2001. (Editors' Introduction to Changing Roles)

Changing Roles

Report on the Situation of Women and Men in Hungary 2005

Edited by: Ildikó Nagy, Marietta Pongrácz, István György Tóth
TÁRKI Social Research Institute
Budapest, 2006
  • Introduction

Work and Public Life


Poverty, Social Problems


  • Bibliography
  • Register of Researchers
Bibliographical data of the printed book:
Title of the Hungarian original: Szerepváltozások. Jelentés a nők és férfiak helyzetéről 2005
© TÁRKI, 2005
© Ifjúsági, Családügyi, Szociális és Esélyegyenlőségi Minisztérium, 2005

This book was published in English language with the support of the UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women, Central and Eastern Europe Regional Office, Bratislava).

English translation:
Anna Babarczy (papers 6-12)
Tibor Radványi (Introduction, papers 1-5, Bibliography)
Ildikó Nagy (Register of Researchers)

Language Editor: Clive Liddiard-Maár
All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
© TÁRKI Social Research Institute, 2006
© Ildikó Nagy, 2006
© Marietta Pongrácz, 2006
© István György Tóth, 2006
ISBN 963 7869 39 5
Cover Design: Péter Maczó
Typography: András Nyíri