Infra4NextGen cooperation for a greener, more digital Europe

We're thrilled to announce the launch of the Infra4NextGen project, an initiative funded by the European Commission! This four-year project, kicking off on March 1, 2024, aims to harness the power of social science research infrastructures to shape the NextGenerationEU recovery plan and European Union youth policy.

Infra4NextGen, coordinated by the European Social Survey European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESS ERIC), brings together key players like CESSDA ERIC, the European Values Survey (EVS), and the Gender and Generations Programme (GGP).

NextGenerationEU aims for Europe ‘to build a greener, more digital and more resilient future’ with a focus on five key areas: Make it Green; Make it Digital; Make it Healthy; Make it Strong; and Make it Equal.

As an achievement of the project you can expect an inventory of relevant items from cross-national surveys, harmonized and merged extracts for increased efficiency and an online portal with policy-relevant tabulations and visualizations, created by 6 affiliated entities and 24 beneficiaries from 11 countries.

Tóth István György, CEO of TÁRKI, explained that "Infra4NextGen will be a huge step on the way to developing European flagship science projects into a unified European social science infrastructure. We, as TÁRKI, will have a special role in this project in harmonising and developing analyses and databases on economic inequalities. The team at Tárki is very excited to bring to the project the expertise it has accumulated in conducting, archiving and analysing the premium data collection to date."

Stay tuned for a greener, more digital, and resilient future for Europe!