
Our colleague Márton Medgyesi at the "Perspectives on Youth" seminar

Our colleague Márton Medgyesi gave a presentation at the "Perspectives on Youth" seminar organised by the European Commission and the Council of Europe on 9 November in Budapest. During his lecture, he presented the results of his own research within the UPLIFT project and the impact of the local labour market, housing and social services on the well-being of young people in European cities. The seminar brought together participants from 35 countries to discuss youth employment difficulties, housing and financial literacy issues and to look for targeted policy practices and tools to address youth issues in the context of the European Year of Youth 2022.

New episode of Sound of Economics is available on inequalities with Tóth István György


In the most recent episode of the Sound of Economics (a podcast series by Bruegel, a leading European economics think tank), the extent, drivers and changing nature of inequality in the US and in Europe are discussed by István György Tóth, Director of Tarki Social Research Institute in Budapest and Indivar Dutta-Gupta, President & Executive Director of CLASP Center for Law and Social Policy, Washington.

New publications of Tarki's team are available!

New articles have been added to the publications of Tarki's. If you would like to learn more about the relationship between transport development and the sharing economy, or about the evolution of inequalities within Europe, or about the relationship between the pandemic and the welfare state, we recommand to our recent releases.


Closing of R-HOME

The project R-HOME “Roma: Housing, Opportunities, Mobilisation and Empowerment”, co-funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020) is coming to its end.
The project aimed to fight against Roma discrimination with a focus on housing and supporting Roma's social inclusion and empowerment.
Find out what we learned and developed here:
You can access all project results, including:

Studies on sharing economy

Anikó Bernát is the co-author of several studies on sharing economy that was published recently. All the studies can be downloaded for free. Click here for the study „Solidarity and Care Economy in Times of ‘Crisis’: A View from Greece and Hungary Between 2015 and 2020.”, here for „Shared Mobility: A Reflection on Sharing Economy Initiatives in European Transportation Sectors” and here for „Processes of Proliferation: Impact Beyond Scaling in Sharing and Collaborative Economies.” Enjoy reading!

R-HOME Transnational Conference

The final conference of R-HOME is coming up. The conference, which will be held online on 13 January 2022 January aims to present the housing situation of the Roma people through the results of research on the housing situation and the analysis of some empowerment projects and programs carried out in five countries of the European Union: France, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Spain. Our colleague Anikó Bernát speaks about mutual learning on Roma housing and participation. To participate the conference registration is mandatory. 


9:15 am: Institutional welcome – Department of Sociology and Social Studies Università Milano Bicocca – Caritas Ambrosiana – Municipality of Milano

Towards a new Weberian taxonomy

Iván Szelényi’s most recent paper has been just published in Volume 14 of International Political Anthropology. The paper follows Weber’s interpretative sociology in trying to identify the various systems of domination in the 21st century. The authors aim to describe the “actually existing” systems: liberalism, conservativism, illiberalism, authoritarianism, dictatorship, and despotism.


Discover how IPOLIS works

TÁRKI developed its Integrated Poverty and Living Conditions Indicator System, IPOLIS. IPOLIS is a comprehensive, multidimensional, cross-country, and over-time comparative database on the quality of life of vulnerable groups in European societies. The database includes five vulnerable groups: children, young persons, older persons, disabled persons, and migrants. The data visualisation tool attached to IPOLIS provides a resource for user groups with various backgrounds (such as researchers, policy makers, NGO experts, journalists, students) to explore the database in a flexible way and to extract outputs tailored to their needs.