TÁRKI Data Archive
How to use TÁRKI Dataarchive?
General procedure
- Search our collection using either catalogue search or documentation search. Note: catalogue search will search on datasheets (metadata on data collections either by title, researchers, institutes, abstracts or keywords); documentation search is for searching in codebooks and questionnaires. Some of the documentation is only available in Hungarian.
- Select the identifier of the data collection you want to use. The ID number is made up of a letter and a two-digit number (e.g. A01, F99, etc.). These numbers are used to identify a data collection (dataset) unambiguously. ID number details are needed to retrieve your data requests as quickly as possible.
- Check the data access category. Note: some of the data collections are embargoed for a period of time (maximum of 5 years). These restricted-access data collections are identified as category D - that is, Delayed dissemination. If you want to use such a collection, you can contact the researcher (primary investigator) or us (mail to: dataarchive@tarki.hu) to request individual access to a restricted-use (category D) data collection. You can check the access categories we use here.
- Complete the user declaration form if you are eligible for a discounted data access fee. You can check here whether or not you are eligible.
- Download user declaration form (pdf)
Please, complete all requested fields that are marked. - Send us your request by e-mail, fax or post. If you are eligible for a discounted data access fee, please complete, sign and send us the declaration form.
Fax: +36 1 309 7675
Address: TÁRKI Data Archive, 1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45, Hungary
e-mail: dataarchive@tarki.hu - If you have to pay a data access fee, we will invoice you, and therefore we need your postal address. Note that we provide free access within the CESSDA and ICPSR network. (See special rules for CESSDA countries and ICPSR members.)
- After your invoice is settled, we will send you the requested data collections and documentation via e-mail, or you can download it from our site.
TÁRKI Data Archive, the national digital social research archive in Hungary
TÁRKI Data Archive, the national social science archive is operated by TÁRKI Joint Research Center (TÁRKI JRC), which is a private not-for-profit association of acedemic and educational institutions. Over the past two decades, the Data Archive has collected and archived more than 650 empirical social research data collections that are suitable for secondary analysis. These tend to be Hungarian.
Most of our collection comes from nationally representative sample-survey studies (i.e. micro datafiles). One section of the databases archived is made up of TÁRKI's own surveys, and the other section comprises surveys from other Hungarian research institutes. We have contributed to a great number of international research efforts. Between 2000 and 2004, TÁRKI participated in the Consortium of Household Panels for European Socio-Economic Research (CHER), funded under the Fifth EU Framework Programme. TÁRKI is a member of various international research networks and consortia, such as IFDO (International Federation of Data Organizations), CESSDA (Council of European Social Science Data Archives), ICPSR (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research), ISSP (International Social Survey Programme), ESS (European Social Survey) and LIS (Luxembourg Income Study).
CESSDA SaW – A CESSDA-SaW: Strengthening and widening the European infrastructure for social science data archives project successfully finished at the end of 2017
TÁRKI Data Archive participated in the CESSDA-SaW: Strengthening and widening the European infrastructure for social science data archives project consortium, funded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union. After the establishment of CESSDA ERIC, the aim of this project was to achieve full European coverage, to strengthen the network and to ensure sustainability of its data for the widened network. The primary ambition was to establish the conditions for, and initiate the movement towards, a seamless social science data archive service for the whole of the European Research Area (ERA).
The project began in September, 2015 and lasted until the end of 2017. Click here to read the results of the project: http://cessdasaw.eu/
Things You Might Want to Know about TÁRKI Data Archive
- TÁRKI Data Archive stores data collections of empirical social research.
- The data collections contains factographic (ie. numerical) data.
- The research data are mostly from survey research, but we also archives other factographic data collections (eg. historical data, census, etc).
- The datasets are available in digital (machine readable) format.
- The data collections that contains personal data about natural persons - ie. about real people - are anonymized.
- We store the datasets in SPSS (system and partable) and ASCII formats.
- Users need special analytical tools (statistical software) and skills to use the data collections.
- Some of the documentation is available only in Hungarian. We provide translation service to users at cost.
- We provide assistance to Hungarian users in obtaining international data collections from our partners (CESSDA, ICPSR).
Mission statement of TÁRKI Data Archive
- long-term preservation of digital research datasets from domestic and international studies;
- keeping pace with technological change and participation in the development of data archiving standards;
- providing access to data collections of empirical studies for users communities;
- facilitating effective data use by providing access to our own and to our partners' collections.
The mission of our archive is to provide infrastructure service, and support for all stakeholders in social research.